Poetic Lines Interview

In December of 2021 I sat down with wonderful poet and reviewer Elizabeth Lund for an interview with NewTV in Boston to chat about my latest anthology, How to Love the World: Poems of Gratitude and Hope. You can watch the interview below.

James Crews

James Crews is the editor of several anthologies, including The Path to Kindness, and the best-selling, How to Love the World, which has been featured on NPR’s Morning Edition, in the Boston Globe, and the Washington Post. He is also the author of four prize-winning collections of poetry: The Book of What Stays, Telling My Father, Bluebird, and Every Waking Moment. His poems have been published in the New York Times Magazine, Ploughshares, The New Republic, and The Christian Century, and he has been sharing poetry with people all over the world for the last fifteen years. He loves introducing poetry to a wide range of readers, uplifting emerging poets, and offering entry points for reflection, meditation, and appreciation of life. His mission is to bring poetry to a mainstream audience through relatable poems about everyday experience. Crews leads Mindfulness & Writing retreats and lives with his husband in Shaftsbury, Vermont.


Mindfulness & Writing

